Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Unit 43 - P2 Powerpoint Changes (M1)

The changes I have made to the prototype make it easier to use, the new buttons mean that users will not have to return to the home screen to choose a different section, making navigation simpler. The colour scheme now looks much more aesthetically appealing, whereas the previous colours did not gel well. The PowerPoint is now also much tidier, instead of pictures and buttons being placed solely at the bottom of the slide, they are now in more structured positions.

The PowerPoint fits the demands of the the department as it gives detailed information on the department, the pictures display the different resources that the P.E. department has, and the news section will keep people updated on what is happening within the department.

1 comment:

  1. M1 covered. Now gather all the media for the final product. Pics. Logos. Fonts etc. all need to be saved as images ready to be used in Adobe Director
